52 Ways To Come Up With Real Estate Content Ideas
Posted by Tomas Miller // March 4, 2016
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Need more ideas for real estate content?
Original content continues to be crucial to success in the real estate industry. Creating great content, fresh content, and doing it consistently on a daily basis can also be one of the biggest challenges for many Realtors, real estate investors, and businesses. So where do all the great ideas come from? How can you come up with more of them?
Here are fifty two ways to come up with new real estate content ideas to keep you going every week for the next year and beyond…
- Set up Google Alerts for all topics related to your niche
- Search #hashtags for current conversations on your market and service
- Use Google Trends to identify hot topics right now, and which are fading
- Check out what’s trending on Twitter
- Check out the top Facebook conversations of the last week
- Check bestselling real estate books on Amazon
- Look for the hottest topics of the day on BiggerPockets
- Check out tech shows and the latest gadgets
- Attend live events
- Travel and talk about new locations
- Breakdown local neighborhoods and things to do
- Ask people what they want
- Interview local real estate pros
- Interview mortgage experts on new loan programs
- Look for common interests among your followers, beyond real estate
- Ask your spouse and kids what their questions are about real estate
- Update your best performing posts of the past
- Dispute advice being written on other popular real estate blogs
- Test and review industry tools
- Breakdown each step of the real estate transaction process
- Browse online ads to spot the good, bad, and ugly
- Sign up to all the top real estate blogs and news feeds
- Review the latest real estate data
- Take a day to shop local home improvement stores and interior design stores
- Look for case studies from past deals and clients
- Visit new construction sales sites
- Walk your neighborhood
- Drive new neighborhoods
- Brainstorm top 10 lists
- Check out the top ranking YouTube videos for your keywords
- Write about your fears
- Write about your accomplishments
- Try out Portent.com to generate ideas
- Try the SEOpressor blog title generator
- Check out the impactbound.com blog idea tool
- Try the Content Forest ContentIdeator
- Ask Siri
- Try the tweakyourbiz.com title generator
- Pose solutions for your biggest pet peeves in the industry
- Email your lists and ask where they are stuck
- Watch more real estate reality TV shows
- Incorporate real estate topics with your favorite hobbies
- Warn the public about the biggest blunders being made in the market
- Ask industry veterans what they wish they would have known earlier
- Roll the dice and create a list based on the number you get
- Document your latest deal
- Document your next home improvement project
- Create a survey and publish the results
- Launch a competition to see who can come up with the best topic
- Hire a freelancer to write for you
- Hire a freelancer to generate ideas
- Use Mailchimp’s subject line tool
This list should keep your real estate blog, social media, podcast, email funnel, and PR calendar full of ideas and topics every day for the next 12 months. Then rinse and repeat.
– See more at: http://www.cthomesllc.com/2016/02/52-ways-to-come-up-with-real-estate-content-ideas/#sthash.7ch4pbRR.dpuf